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the Founder

Through Singulié, I can share my passion with you – I have had to wait so long for this moment! To challenge myself every month, through each collection, to scour the world in search of pre-loved luxury treasures that will be re-loved, to offer you unique pieces that have lived their own lives and are ready to get a new one… My findings are always refreshed and are made for all types of shapes, colors and stories, they are made for all women. To tell you the story of these treasures, to make them alive through my pictures – with the precious help of my valuable friends that accept to be my models for just one collection – and most importantly to see the stories you’ll live in these pieces. I am doing every single thing on my own (from sourcing products to taking pictures, and also the less sexy administrative and operational aspect), it is a monumental amount of work but this is what we call being an entrepreneur ;)

It all began in June 2018 when I wanted to treat myself to a Chanel Bag as I turned 30… I literally spent days looking for THE right bag without finding it: questions remaining without a clear answer, unjustified crazy high price, evening spent on my own scrolling pages and pages of products without any personality, uncertain authenticity… You know what I mean?

Actually, I have always been obsessed with Fashion Bargain-Hunting.

Through Singulié, I can share my passion with you – I have had to wait so long for this moment!

To challenge myself every month, through each collection, to scour the world in search of pre-loved luxury treasures that will be re-loved, to offer you unique pieces that have lived their own lives and are ready to get a new one… My findings are always refreshed and are made for all types of shapes, colors and stories, they are made for all women.

To tell you the story of these treasures, to make them alive through my pictures – with the precious help of my valuable friends that accept to be my models for just one collection – and most importantly to see the stories you’ll live in these pieces.

I am doing every single thing on my own (from sourcing products to taking pictures, and also the less sexy administrative and operational aspects), it is a monumental amount of work but this is what we call being an entrepreneur ;)

I’ll be so happy if you want to exchange words with me, email me or just reach me through social media :)
