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Collection 08

It’s party season and that means it’s time to dress up and celebrate!

After Work Drinks, Office Christmas Party, House Party, Black Tie Event, Festive Lunch… Our agendas are full of social events and the dress-up dilemma can be a real struggle!

This Mini Festive Collection features 3 Simple Outfits with Beautiful Vintage Pieces that are versatile enough to ensure you select the right get-up for each event.

Bold Red, Elegant Beige, Glamorous Black & Gold, Chic Black & White with a touch of Silver… A Little Black Dress, a Chanel Mini Bag, a chic Off-White Blouse – the belief behind this collection is to curate rather than to shop,

Because you deserve beautiful pieces that immediately makes you look the best you ever have and, most importantly, makes you feel great, treasures that you will wear over and over, years after years.