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It’s time to rethink preloved luxury. The revolution has already started, let’s now make it more passionate and compassionate. Dresses, blazers and coats, handbags, shoes and accessories… all of them have lived alongside a variety of women. They have lived their own personal lives and can now get a new one through your own experience. From pre-loved to re-loved. Luxury, of course, which is near to you and is never trivial. Luxury, darling: joyful yet not overdone. Luxury, honey: the real one, the kind one. A genuine, sustainable and inspiring experience by and for all the people who are true to themselves . #iamsingulie



It’s time to rethink preloved luxury

The revolution has already started, let’s now make it more passionate and compassionate

Dresses, blazers and coats, handbags, shoes and accessories… all of them have lived alongside a variety of women

They have lived their own personal lives and can now get a new one through your own experience

From pre-loved to re-loved

Luxury, of course, which is near to you and is never trivial

Luxury, darling: joyful yet not overdone

Luxury, honey: the real one, the kind one

A genuine, sustainable and inspiring experience by and for all the people who are true to themselves


Your Monthly Rendez-Vous

A curated selection of pre-loved unique Luxury items. Good Condition, Style, Authenticity and Fair Price are our main criteria 

One-of-a-kind Collection

Each item comes in a very limited stock - most of time, it is a unique piece - so that you won’t run into somebody dressed like you in the streets ;)

Real People like You

Products are worn by Real People - the Women you see here are not professional Models. This is important for us because we are convinced that Luxury is not a select Club