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Our Story

Singulié was born when its first collection was live online in March 2019.

Since, 7 other collections were launched featuring around 100 pre-loved products from beautiful luxury brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Gucci, Chloé, … just to name a few.

More than 3000 pictures were created with the kind participation of 15 exceptional women: Pauline, Amina, Maïmouna, Giulia, Anaïs, Hasna, Mariam, Mathilde, Rania, Laetitia, Jie, Elif, Hanane, Mira, Élisabeth.

Born in Paris and Made for everybody!

Fully online, proudly unique and resolutely human, Singulié is an amazing entrepreneurial adventure.

The story of Singulié begins with a passion for fashion bargain-hunting and a true love for Vintage Luxury. Frustrated by not finding the Chanel bag of her dreams, Sarah, the founder, decides to go in search of the secret Parisian addresses and finally discovers a world of hidden treasures.

Share my passion with you and celebrate your uniqueness!

Our Beliefs 

  • We do believe in preloved luxury but only if it is 100% authentic

  • We are convinced that pre-loved luxury must be unique, trendy, wearable and at a fair price

  • We do believe fashion is alive through people and experiences so the best we can do is pictures and videos with real people that look like you, wearing our products :)

  • We love to think that Fashion is FUN so we love to smile on pictures

  • We do believe in online shopping but only with transparency and detailed info about the product, and of course, always with the possibility to get a clear and quick answer to any question

  • We know that online shopping can be time-wasting so we select for you the best preloved luxury treasures

What does “singulié” mean?

Different from others, one of a kind, worthy of interest for uncommon features, expresses individuality… actually, unique pieces for individuals that are even more unique!

Our Commitments

Luxury with kindness, what does it mean?

— Transparency —

Each piece Singulié is the result of a long-term job: finding unique and authentic items that are in very good condition and trendy, that’s my daily challenge! All pieces are authenticated and inspected with a very high attention to details (a certificate of authenticity is provided with each item).

When necessary, items are cleaned by a professional and restored.

Margin and price are calculated as fair as possible in order to make preloved luxury possible for everyone.

Product descriptions, pictures, gif and videos are done with a very great care so your online buying experience is as nice as possible.

— Slow Fashion, Upcycling & Ethics —

In each collection, there are a deliberately limited quantity of items. These items are not new but they are of high quality because they were made to last. Each piece is selected for the quality of its materials, for the timelessness of its design and savoir-faire.

You can also fin jewels made from Vintage Chanel Buttons, each button is transformed by hand by an artisan in Paris, this is what we called Upcycling (recycling that gives a second life to objects).

These pieces have lived alongside a variety of women and get a new one through your own experience, some of them are upcycled, restored, transformed, their stories are unique and everlasting.

To protect your treasures, we pack them into dustbags. 40% of those dustbags’ value is dedicated to the NGO Swami Sivananda Memorial Institute that works for Women emancipation in India.

They are made by inspiring Women in exchange of a salary, a training and a place at school for their children.

60% of the rest of our packaging (boxes, shipping boxes, cards and label tag) come from recycled materials, our goal is to have a 100% recycled packaging very soon ;)

— Inclusivity —

Our main goal at Singulié is to be for everyone, every shape, every color and every story.

Our models are « real » people (they are not professional models) and, of course, their appearance is not retouched on our pictures and videos.

Why another second-hand eshop?

Because it’s time to rethink preloved luxury and make it more passionate and compassionate.

Because luxury can go with kindness.

Our Challenges

Going into entrepreneurship is a challenge, especially with a team made of our own self!

This paragraph is getting a little bit more personal. Behind nice pictures on Instagram or a random internet page stands the story of a human being with her beliefs, her ambitions, her reality and her difficulties.

Honestly speaking, managing Singulié is a daily challenge: searching for beautiful pieces at a nice price is complicated, a shooting can become a nightmare because of bad weather, making a brand known with small resources can be disheartening, being tired or sick is not an option, sales irregularity or future uncertainty can weigh on motivation.

I am not complaining at all but I want to be 100% transparent with you who take the time to read these words! Singulié is an awesome adventure! It is also super challenging.

I have the chance to receive support and kindness from customers and member of our Instagram community on a daily basis, and I am extremely thankful <3