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What is Slow Fashion?

Slow fashion is born in opposition to what we call “fast fashion”

Sustainable, ethical and responsible, Fashion slows her rhythm: collections are less numerous, references inside collections are limited, timeless basics are produced instead of trendy pieces, materials are more respectful to the environment and more sustainable, production conditions are more respectful to the workers and the nature, etc…

Vintage and Second-hand are part of this slow fashion approach. Items are already existing, nothing new is produced. Long-lasting and often made of more respectful materials, luxury items are certainly more expensive but also more sustainable :)


What is Upcycling?

Upcycling a piece means giving it a second life while adding value to it. Often, the future of this object consists of being destroyed or forgotten in some bottom drawer. “UP” cycle ;)

It is what we are doing with our necklaces, of which pendant are made from Vintage Chanel Buttons.

So, with upcycling, we limit production – no new products but only existing things while limiting waste. Upcycling is part of a global will to make fashion more sustainable.
